Saturday, December 13, 2008

Xmas time!

Well, the tree is up and Emma is already discovering how fun Christmas can be...

Here is a funny video of Emma giggling from the trip to the San Diego zoo

Thursday, December 4, 2008

California Girl

Emma had her first Thanksgiving and met all her cousins. Here they all are with Grandma and Grandpa Engel. You can imagine how many photos we had to take to get them all together.

And here we are....a rare photo of the three of us together!

After the festivities, Emma took her first trip to California to beautiful San Diego. She got her first look at the Pacific ocean.

However, she didn't know she was going to be "tortured" on the USS Midway (retired aircraft carrier). Here she is in the brig (a bit too excited for my taste to be behind bars) and going face to face with the shark bomber.

It was a good thing she wasn't tortured at the San Diego zoo....these crocs are real (I had to throw a stone at them to be sure).

After such a long day, Emma relaxed in her king size bed.

Now that Thanksgiving is over...we are preparing for the next guessed it!