Monday, September 22, 2008

Another red head

No, we didn't get a puppy....rather a car. Here is the new member of our family!

We also found a house to rent just a couple blocks from White Rock lake in East Dallas and will be moving in the first week in October.

So, this is what we have been busy doing, and here are a couple photos of our other red head!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Well, you guessed it...we are in Texas and boy is it big!
Leaving France was hard...some last photos on life on the beach

Even for Emma, who had to say goodbye to her boyfriend there. He tried to hide his feelings, but we could all tell he was holding back the tears...

After leaving France, we spent a week in Austria with the Moser family. We had a wonderful time and Emma enjoyed spending time with Oma and Opa.

As well, Emma wasting no time in finding a new potential boyfriend, born just three days after her! She was a little anxious as you can see...already going for the ear!

And so, Emma took her first flight! She was so good on the plane!

That's it for now...Thomas and I are looking for a new place to call home now. We'll keep you updated.