Monday, June 30, 2008

Bigger and Bigger!

Emma was one month old on Saturday! Time is going by so fast. We were at the doctor this morning and she is getting big (I wondered by my arms were getting sore). She weighs almost 4,7kilos (10 lbs) and measures 53cm (21 inches). Perhaps I can stop feeding her every half hour now :-)

We were at Lac (lake) Cassien over the weekend. I couldn't believe that I didn't know about such a beautiful lake only 20 minutes from our apartment! Emma was tired after a long day and chilled out with her friends on the couch.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

3 Weeks Old!

Emma is three weeks old today! I can't seem to notice any big differences, just a bit more hair and 500 grams heavier. She is well behaved (for a 3 week old), but hasn't settled into any routine yet. Thomas and I are both doing well considering the sleep disruptions, but parenthood is so exciting that we don't mind.

We have been out many times with Emma: to the park, to the tennis courts to watch Papa play, to Juan les Pins, and Nice. Emma will have her very own US passport in a couple weeks.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Emma's First Week

Here are some photos of Emma's first week (she is one week old today!). Thomas is home this week and next to enjoy every moment. We plan to take Emma out for the first time tomorrow to see the world outside our apartment.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Emma is born!

Emma Sophie Moser was born on the 28th of May at 17h23. She weighed 3.2 kilos (7.05 lbs) and measured 47,5 cm (18.7 inches). We are all back home from the hospital today!